Auburn Montgomery Library

Databases by Title


Title Database Description Off Campus Link
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency GEOnet Names Server

The official repository of standard spellings of all foreign place names, sanctioned by the United States Board on Geographic Names. The database also contains variant spellings (cross-references), which are useful for finding purposes.

Newspaper Source

Full text for 139 regional U.S. newspapers, eighteen international newspapers, six newswires, nine newspaper columns, and citations for four national newspapers.

Novels for Students

Provides critical overviews of novels from various cultures and time periods. Includes discussions of plot, characters, themes and structure as well as the work's cultural and historical significance.

Nursing and Allied Health Source via ProQuest

Provides abstracting and indexing for more than 620 titles dealing with nursing and allied health subjects, with over 560 titles in full-text.