Auburn Montgomery Library

Embedded Library Services


To provide online and hybrid students the same library services as on-campus students, the Auburn University Montgomery Library is launching the Embedded Library Services, which consists of the following:

  1. Embedded Library Content (ELC) – Av


  1. Embedded Librarian (ELib) 
  • Customized research guide live and  librarian embedded in pre-arranged Blackboard role
  • Chat with YOUR Library that directs chats to Embedded Librarian  
  • Embedded Librarian engages with students based on professor preference

The AUM Library encourages professors from all disciplines to request either option for their courses; however, courses with less research components will find ELibC more suitable for their purposes, while courses with heavy research and/or library components should consider the ELib service.


Embedded Library Services Procedures:

  • Request Embedded Library Services at least two months in advance of semester start.


  • Contact the following individuals to request Embedded Library Services:
  • Teaching and Outreach Librarian (TOL) – Samantha McNeilly
    p: 334-244-3213 | email:

  • Head of Public Services Librarian (HOPSL) – Jessica Hayes
    p: 334-244-3814 | email:


  • TOL, and HOPSL coordinates with appropriate library faculty based on requesting department to serve as Embedded Librarian


  • The assigned Embedded Librarian and professor meet one month prior to semester start and will discuss level of librarian involvement, what Blackboard role of Embedded Librarian, etc.